
Sunday 22 November 2015

Air Bridge Cargo and the Russian market

The air bridge cargo services are facing a newfound pressure with CIS region stressing and pressuring the business. 

A spokesman for the Air bridge cargo service speaking at a conference stated that aside from the challenging market situation there are opportunities and possibilities that can be considered in Russia.
His statement has thus led air bridge cargo services to think further regarding the services they are offering to the Russian market. The pressure is now on as it is believed that the Russian market can increase growth rate and become a solid and steady investor for the industry. Despite the falls there are solid possibility’s and the business is being stressed to do something more. 

The air bridge cargo services currently use three aircrafts for freighter services, the aircraft b737 as well as fifteen Boeing 747 models. The aim of using these carriers is to link the airports around the country and reach a larger scale with efficiency and whilst maximizing the beneifts.

The spokesman Oleg Makushkin also spoke about the fall that was seen in the imports sector of Russia and compared it to the previous year stating a 35 per cent fall.  CIS when compared showed a fall of 25 per cent signifying that action should be taken to increase these rates once again.

The financial aspect of these services seemed to waver and become unstable with a decrease reported. The local currency also fell and limits were changed by the banks and these added to the instability that the market was already facing.

 At present, the market is in a pitiful situation and professionals, specialists and workers are in agreement that the Russian market is falling and decreasing with little sign of improvement. These serious reports put serious pressure on the industry.
On a more positive note a small growth is expected in profits over the next 20 years and is specifically predicted for the CIS area. If steps and necessary evaluation and adaptations take place the market can be improved from the state it is currently in although how significantly it can be improved is unclear at this moment.

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