
Thursday 23 July 2015

Thumbs up for Heathrow’s Third Runway

With a collective support of UK’s freight community to Airports Commission, result came out in favour of a new runway at Heathrow and it will be a cargo runway.

Heathrow Airport proposed North West runway
Heathrow Airport proposed North West runway

Heathrow expansion would permit the airport to increase its freight capacity up to 3 million tonnes. The commission found that a new runway at Heathrow airport would produce up to 147 billion Pounds in GDP over 60 years ,provides more than seventy thousands new jobs and permit carriers to add about forty new destinations.
Heathrow Runway
Heathrow Runway

According to a survey, new runway at Heathrow is great for most trade, manufacturing and especially for production industries who are working in UK such as Pharmaceuticals industries. Total value of goods that moved through UK airports was more than 140 billion Pounds in 2014.

Nick Platts
Heathrow appointed Nick Platts as Head of Cargo and put more emphasis on its freight procedures. Nick Platts told that he is excited because this is good step for UK’s economy and its Industries. It would enhance cargo importance in UK and strengthens its economy.
He said that Heathrow would start with improvements in freight procedure and study its infrastructural changes. Two and half years since Sir Howard Davies was hired to lead the research into the good way to enhance the UK’s airport capacity. However this approval contains many limitations such as curbs on noise, night time prohibitions between 11-30pm to 6am, no increase in capacity, a guarantee on air quality and providing of opportunities to native communities.

A lack of political support will remains a danger for UK’s aviation region. According to Heathrow administration that London airport is not happy and there is no winning attitude here. Heathrow’s policy is not against to add another new runway at Gatwick as well but it urged that it is right for UK’s economy.
Heathrow Airport
Heathrow Airport
The freight community’s desired decision of a new north-west runway at LHR was selected. Economic benefits and trade of UK are clear but the fact that UK has not been able to settle on this matter since the 1970s says its own story. Heathrow airport is air cargo hub for the trade with the world and it is the backbone of UK economy as well.

Director of Global and European policy said that Heathrow is able to meet the demands of importers and exporters to increase the connections with the markets of the world. Extra capacity of Heathrow is precarious to permit the freighters to enter into new and emerging markets in Asia, South America and Indian sub-continent.

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Wednesday 22 July 2015

UK To Emulate Cargo Deliveries Caused Illegal Immigrants Entry

UK government introduces new national level measures to tightening the cargo scanning, caused illegal immigration and human trafficking, an EU-wide challenge

Cargo Scanning

Illegal human trafficking through cargo containers is a challenge for EU member countries since ages. Hundreds of immigrants die every year while trying to cross the borders across the EU. Last month, several killed in container while trying to cross the UK border.

Several EU member countries are currently tightening the border controls and they have given the special importance to sea cargo activities because cargo containers are one of the largest means of illegal human trafficking.  EU members are also increasing pressure on the regional administrations to develop the secure zones on their ports to handle cargo from Asian countries.

Illegal human trafficking through cargo containers

UK and France are already agreed to develop the secure zone at the port of Calais to stop the illegal human trafficking to UK and France.  The English Channel was used by the immigrants in previous activities to cross the border and entre into the UK.

British home secretary, Theresa
British home secretary, Theresa May has announced on July 14, that the new safe zone will hold up to 230 vehicles before they board the ferries to cross the channel. Stats show that there are currently 5,000 illegal immigrants living in Calais and from June 21, to July 11, more than 8,000 illegal immigrants attempted to cross the channel and were stopped by authorities.

On other hand, Hungary has started to make a fence across the border with Serbia, where illegal immigrants flow have surged since last decade. According to the EU Border Agency Frontex, 50,430 migrants entered EU via cargo containers since January 2015.

Austria has decided to stop accepting the asylum bids for undefined period of time and claimed that it has reached its capacity for the new arrivals. Further national level security measures are likely to take in next six months or so, according to the media.

There were some heads of states and member countries failed to agree on a comprehensive common policy at an EU Summit in June, but there is a likely chance of an agreement in second attempt, when they will meet in second meeting in October.

EU has plans to regulate the cargo policies as top priority to stop the illegal insurgent of immigrants by increasing the surveillance activities in the Mediterranean.

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