
Friday 4 December 2015

China Starts operations at Gwadar Port as Pakistan Navy Ready to Protect CPEC Route

China Overseas Holdings Limited takes the control of Gwadar Port for next 43 years and Pakistan Navy expressed the security commitments

A Chinese firm has officially taken full control of Gwadar Port of Pakistan under the Free-Trade zone agreement for 43 years with Pakistan. On other hand, Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Mohammad Zakaullah of Pakistan Navy has committed to protect the China Pakistan Economic Corridor Route and provide fool proof security on the sea route. He confirmed to offer security “against all asymmetric threats under the prevalent precarious internal and external security environment.”

What Admiral Said?

The chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Zakaullah visited Makran Coast Naval unit on Saturday followed by a visit to Jinnah naval base in Ormara and a unit in Pasni, Gwadar and Jiwani to witness the operational readiness of these units.

What he addressed?

The naval chief during his visit to coastal areas of Baluchistan, he oversee all business affairs and operations of the port and was given a detailed briefing on the security risks linked to the port.  The chief said that Gwadar was cardinal to China and Pakistan Economic Corridor and the routes connecting the countries via sea. Gwadar will connect the region with outer world. It is the great responsibility of naval forces to provide peaceful environment for the business operations at the port. He further said that Pakistan Navy is fully ready to achieve the purposes of SEASPARK15 program. 

What China Said?

China has formally taken over the port operations and all business affairs of the port. Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei says that this initiative of development by both governments of China and Pakistan will go very long and continue to promote development in the region. He said, "Chinese enterprise's appointment at the management of the Gwadar Port is a commercial program under economic and trade cooperation of China and Pakistan, and a part of the two countries' friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation".

Is Gwadar that crucial?

Yes certainly the Port of Gwadar is a charm and best business location on western coasts of Pakistan.
 You can find out affordable sea cargo from UK to Pakistan online to send your parcels.
 It is a deep sea port that sits very next to the Strait of Hormuz which is the gateway to the world of oil in the region.  China plans to make Gwadar a transportation Hub under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor scheme. China is working on a 3000 km long railway track from Gwadar to Xinjiang in western China.

Thursday 3 December 2015

How ATR Certificate help EU in World Trade?

What is the actual significance of ATR Certificate for trade between EU and outer world like Turkey?


ATR is the certificate which is used for the shipping of the industrial products between European Union and Turkey.  ATR certificate is used to avoid the custom duty on the imports and exports between EU and Turkey. 

The meaning of ATR certificate in actual sense.

ATR is an abbreviation used for Admission Temporaire Roulette. ATR is a certificate which helps the traders between the EU andTurkey. ATR is very significant for the shipping of industrial and all other products from EU to Turkey. A separate certificate is required for each delivery between the UK and Turkey.


Advantages of ATR Certificate for Shipping Between EU and Turkey

ATR certificate gives better rates of customs duty for the freight delivery between EU and Turkey. 
 ATR applies according to the terms of the Customs Union agreement between the EU & Turkey. The major purpose of ATR certificate was that industrial things can transport between the EU and Turkey without any customs duty. Contact with Cargo to Caribbean for custom free shipping services from UK to Caribbean at lowest rates.

What is the ATR Certificate for?

The ATR certificate is used by HMRC (HM Revenue and Customs) to figure out the rate of duty to be applied upon industrial products between the EU and Turkey. By the use of ATR certificate, the customs duty on all products is zero; without ATR certificate, normal non-EU customs rates would apply.


When and where ATR Certificate is required?

ATR Certificate is required to avoid giving customs duty on imports and exports; for each and every shipment between the EU and Turkey a distinct ATR Certificate is necessary. All the consumer products are included in the term industrial products.

The industrial products that are transported by an ATR Certificate?

Most of the agricultural, coal and steel products that cannot be delivered by ATR certificate without customs duty. The goods that can be easily available for use can be covered by ATR certificate.


 The method to apply for an ATR Certificate?

Began with a new blank ATR certificate because it can’t be downloaded.  ATR certificate won’t usually gain from the HMRC at all. The whole method of this is run by the British Chambers of Commerce. The forms can only be used which have been issued directly by the Chamber of Commerce. The applicant can use only original forms.
Actually, this is a three-part copy.
They keep the white copy for record, while the other two copies is returned to the applicant with verification mark. One top copy attached to the shipment and is presented to Turkish customs by the shipper. The other two copy should be reserved by trader for records.
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